After creating a new SMP with the “Add-CMStateMigrationPoint” PowerShell cmdlet Clients try contacting the first Server installed in the Hierarchy and not the new SMP

I’ve created a new State Migration Point (SMP), using the Add-CMStateMigrationPoint PowerShell cmdlet introduced in Cumulative Update 1 (CU1), for ConfigMgr 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

However, it doesn’t appear to have worked as if I look in the Smpisapi.log I see the following errors:

::SecureAccess(pszStorePath, m_sAccessAccount, dwAccess, bGrantAccess), HRESULT=80070043 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\server\smp\isapi\smprequesthandler.cpp,941)

AddACE to store with access account failed for directory \\SMPSTOREM_28C49E47$\FBC02D2321401636EFBD99756C5AAF338C3D018C06B9724EB56B409163928473

hr, HRESULT=80070043 (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\server\smp\isapi\smprequesthandler.cpp,2311)

Revoke access failed for directory \\SMPSTOREM_28C49E47$\FBC02D2321401636EFBD99756C5AAF338C3D018C06B9724EB56B409163928473

StatusRequest::UpdateStatus failed with errorcode (0x80070043)

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