“No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)”

I am trying to Remote Control a machine but I get prompted for credentials.

If I look in the CMRcViewer.log I see the following:

HandshakeWorker failed..
No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)
Security filter server: DoHandshake failed..
No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)
m_pSecFilter DoHandshake() failed.
DoHandshake failed on server side.
No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)
Failed to do Handshake in Server.
No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)
Failed to create security context.. Security Handshake failed.
No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)
Failed to validate Security requirement..
No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)
Failed to complete the RDP connection..

No authority could be contacted for authentication. (Error: 80090311; Source: Windows)

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