Ever wished for a web front end to ConfigMgr / SCCM to help make both your and the users of the ConfigMgr Console lives easier?
Well Cireson have just announced their new Portal for Configuration Manager which is a web-based experience to help manage and standardize daily tasks outside of the native Configuration Manager console.
I’ve been playing with a beta and am very impressed with it and I can see it being of great use to many organisations that ideally don’t want people using the ConfigMgr Console, but don’t have a choice as they need access to it for their job.
For a taste of what’s coming head on over to the following page where you can signup for first priority access to be kept informed of progress and receive information as it becomes available:
Plus if you scroll all the way to the bottom you can watch a video Wally has put together giving you an overview of the Portal.
Want to know more? Why not Try It Now of the new Portal that Wally is giving next Wednesday (7th December) in his free webinar and see for yourself the huge benefits the Portal can bring to you and your organisation.