Why am I unable to run any Reports and are multiple “ConfigMgr__OLD.x” Folders created?

When I try to run Reports in the ConfigMgr Console nothing happens. If I look at the SSRS site in my browser there is nothing inside the ConfigMgr_ folder and I see lots of folders called ConfigMgr__OLD.0, ConfigMgr__OLD.1, ConfigMgr__OLD.2, etc. and I can’t run any Reports from the Reporting Site.
If I look in the srsrp.log I see the following repeated over and over again:
Successfully get report server from Registry
Moved folder from /ConfigMgr_ to /ConfigMgr_.OLD.0
Created folder [/ConfigMgr_]
Creating data source {5C638F2-4BB6-4a1b-A16E-8D96795D8602} at ConfigMgr_
Invalid class
Could not retrieve the reporting service name for instance ‘MSSQLSERVER’
Invalid class
Could not stop the reporting service “

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