“Error. Received 0x80072efd from WinHttpSendRequest” when a Task Sequence attempts to download content from a HTTPS DP that’s configured to use a non-default port

Why when my Task Sequence attempts to download content from a HTTPS Distribution Point (DP), that’s configured with a non-default port does it fail?

If I look in the Smsts.log on the Client I see the following:

CLibSMSMessageWinHttpTransport::Send: URL: distributionpoint_fqdn:443 PROPFIND /NOCERT_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/001000C1
In SSL, but with no client cert
Error. Received 0x80072efd from WinHttpSendRequest.
socket ‘connect’ failed; 8007274d
hr, HRESULT=80072efd 
sending with winhttp failed; 80072efd

The other weird thing is why does the log show that Port 443 is being used when the DP is in fact using a totally different port?

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