Why does the ConfigMgr Console hang when I add a Driver to a Boot Image?

I am trying to add a Driver to a Boot Image via the Drivers tab. However, when I do the ConfigMgr Console hangs (sometimes several minutes), until eventually the list of Drivers have been loaded from the Driver Catalog.

If I look in the Smsprov.log on the Site Server I can see ConfigMgr is enumerating through the available Drivers:

CExtUserContext::EnterThread : User= Sid=0x010500000:-000000515XXXXCEBFCF270C2XXXXC3CAFFF0 Caching IWbemContextPtr=0000008DEF086000 in Process 0x1534 (5428)
Context: SMSAppName=Configuration Manager Administrator console
Context: MachineName=
Context: UserName==
Context: ObjectLockContext=796d1f9e-3512-4fd4-ae23-11cbe5883fda
Context: ApplicationName=Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe
Context: ApplicationVersion=5.0.8239.1000
Context: LocaleID=MS\0x409
Context: __ProviderArchitecture=32
Context: __RequiredArchitecture=0 (Bool)
Context: __ClientPreferredLanguages=en-US,en
Context: __CorrelationId={3ACC714D-97FE-0005-897C-CC3AFE97D001}
Context: __GroupOperationId=181360
CExtUserContext : Set ThreadLocaleID OK to: 1033
CSspClassManager::PreCallAction, dbname=CM_392
ExecQueryAsync: START select FromCIID from SMS_CIRelation where ToCIID =16777966 AND RelationType=5
Adding Handle -346430696 to async call map
CExtProviderClassObject::DoCreateInstanceEnumAsync (SMS_CIRelation)
CSspQueryForObject :: Execute…
Execute WQL =select FromCIID from SMS_CIRelation where ToCIID =16777966 AND RelationType=5
Execute SQL =select all SMS_CIRelation.FromCIID from vSMS_CIRelation AS SMS_CIRelation where (SMS_CIRelation.ToCIID = 16777966 AND SMS_CIRelation.RelationType = 5)
Results returned : 0 of 1
Removing Handle -346430696 from async call map
ExecQueryAsync: COMPLETE select FromCIID from SMS_CIRelation where ToCIID =16777966 AND RelationType=5
CExtUserContext::LeaveThread : Releasing IWbemContextPtr=-284663808

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