Why is the Status of an Application trying to Supersede an Application marked as “Not Removable” on a Mobile Device show as “In Progress”?

I’ve created and successfully deployed an Application to my mobile devices. As this is a mandatory application I’ve marked it as Not Removable so it cannot be uninstalled.

One of my admins has then created a second Application and configured it to supersede the Application already installed on my mobile devices (in effect uninstalling the original Application before installing the new version).

Everything works as expected on my Mobile Devices i.e. when the device receives the new Application the user sees an error stating the original Application cannot be removed as it’s marked as Not Removable.

However, when I look in the Monitoring workspace in the ConfigMgr console the status of the new Application deployment shows as In Progress when in fact I’d expect to see an error as it’s trying to remove the original Application which it can’t as it’s marked as Not Removable.

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