“Failed to extend the Active Directory schema. Your Windows NT logon ID does not have the necessary privileges to extend the Active Directory schema.”

I am trying to extend the Active Directory (AD), Schema for ConfigMgr 2012.

However, when I run extadsch.exe I don’t see the

Successfully extended the Active Directory schema

message, I get the following:


Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager v5.00 (Build 7958)
Copyright (C) 2011 Microsoft Corp.

Failed to extend the Active Directory schema. Your Windows NT logon ID does not
have the necessary privileges to extend the Active Directory schema, please find
details in “C:\ExtADSch.log”.


If I look in the C:\ExtADSch.log however, I see the following:

Modifying Active Directory Schema – with SMS extensions.
DS Root:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-Site-Code. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=mS-SMS-Assignment-Site-Code. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-Site-Boundaries. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-Roaming-Boundaries. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-Default-MP. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=mS-SMS-Device-Management-Point. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-MP-Name. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-MP-Address. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=mS-SMS-Health-State. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=mS-SMS-Source-Forest. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-Ranged-IP-Low. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=MS-SMS-Ranged-IP-High. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=mS-SMS-Version. Error code = 5.
Failed to create attribute cn=mS-SMS-Capabilities. Error code = 5.
Failed to create class cn=MS-SMS-Management-Point. Error code = 8202.
Failed to create class cn=MS-SMS-Server-Locator-Point. Error code = 8202.
Failed to create class cn=MS-SMS-Site. Error code = 8202.
Failed to create class cn=MS-SMS-Roaming-Boundary-Range. Error code = 8202.
Failed to extend the Active Directory schema. Your Windows NT logon ID does not have the necessary privileges to extend the Active Directory schema, please find details in “C:\ExtADSch.log”

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