I just wanted to let you all know that the Community Technology Preview (CTP), release of the ConfigMgr Physical to Virtual (P2V) Migration Toolkit is now available for download from Connect at:


The following is from a document Microsoft sent through to me that I’d like to share with you to give you more information on what the Toolkit is and how you can use it:


The Configuration Manager team is pleased to release a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of the Physical to Virtual Migration Toolkit.  This tool is designed to assist organizations in their migrations from Configuration Manager 2007, to Configuration Manager 2012.  Below are some details and links for more information and access to the download.

What is the Physical to Virtual Migration Toolkit?

The Configuration Manager Physical to Virtual Migration Toolkit is designed to assist organizations in migrating their environments from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012.   This primary scenario this tool assists is situations where remote Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 site servers need to be retained during the side-by-side migration process to Configuration Manager 2012. There may be other applications of the tool.

How does this Tool help organizations?

The product enables customers to convert Configuration Manager 2007 site servers to Virtual Machines (VHD) files and restage the server as a Hyper-V host with the created VHD. By converting the existing site servers into Virtual Machines at remote locations, customers can re-use the same hardware (given sufficient resources) to stand-up a Configuration Manager 2012 site server and perform the side-by-side migration.

Where can I download it?

All pre-release versions are made available through the Connect website which enables feedback directly to the P2V migration toolkit development team during the Community Technology Preview phase:


The System Center Configuration Manager Physical to Virtual Migration Toolkit product is a separate installer, and is released separately from the Configuration Manager 2012 product as it is run against the existing ConfigMgr 2007 product.

How can I provide feedback?

The CTP release is supported through Connect website, please use the specific feedback form for the Configuration Manager Physical to Virtual Migration Toolkit.

What is the difference with the “P2V Migration for Software Assurance”?

The “P2V Migration for Software Assurance” tool automates the delivery of an updated and personalized Windows 7 operating system while backing up and converting the legacy Windows XP or newer desktop and its applications for seamless use within Windows 7. The tool does not support server SKU’s.

The “Configuration Manager Physical to Virtual Migration Toolkit” automates converting Configuration Manager 2007 site system servers from physical to virtual machines by taking the system offline.

Where can I find more information regarding running Configuration Manager in a Hyper-V environment?

Please see the following technical case study posted on TechNet outlining how Microsoft IT utilizes Hyper-V in combination with System Center Configuration Manager:

Virtualization Cuts Capital and Operating Expenses by 75 Percent at Microsoft

What components does the product consist of?

Main Components to complete the following scenarios:
A.    “Convert the Configuration Manager 2007 site server in a remote location to a virtual machine and re-use the hardware to host a Hyper-V server with the created VHD
B.    “Convert the Configuration Manager 2007 site server in a remote location to a virtual machine and save the resulting VHD file to a network location.”

The components below enable the IT Admin to create a virtualization task sequence and corresponding stand-alone media which are used to ‘automate’ the creation of the VHD, operating system re-install and Hyper- V Virtual Machine creation:

  1. Task Sequence Designer – Wizard to walk the admin through creating a task sequence to virtualize the server.
  2. Stand-alone Media Wizard – Creates an ISO or bootable USB.
  3. Rehost Wizard – Program launched by the task sequence. Guides the remote IT Admins through the OS re-install and allows them to select the drives to virtualize.

Additional components which enable the following scenario:
C.    “Walk up to a Configuration Manager 2007 site server and convert it from a physical to a virtual machine (VHD)

The following tools can be used if the IT Admin decides to just create a bootable Windows PE disk with the virtualization toolkit to:

4.    Windows PE Image Creator – Creates a bootable Windows PE CD, DVD or USB
5.    VHD Capture Wizard – This wizard allows the IT Admin to choose which drives to virtualize and where to save the VHDs

During the development of the product the development team partnered with the VMM team on the Physical to Virtual conversion code.

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