The email below is one I was very pleased to receive in my Inbox yesterday which means Microsoft have officially released the Public Beta 2 of ConfigMgr 2012. I was very impressed with the build I saw in Redmond last month (pre-Beta 2), and putting it through it’s paces was both an honour and a delight.
I’d encourage you to download the beta and give it a try as you’ll get the chance to see the changes from CM07, the most obvious being the Admin Console.
“The Configuration Manager Team is pleased to announce the release of Configuration Manger 2012 Beta 2! It is now available on Connect:
Please reference the Supported Configuration Document and Release Notes which can be found on: Manager 2012 Beta 2 Supported Configuration.pdf
A few notes before you get started:
1. Please use only SQL Server 2008 SP1 and CU 10 or 11 (SQL 2008 SP2 or SQL 2008 R2 is not supported)
2. Ensure site server computer has internet access to download pre-requisites or run setupdl.exe from an internet connected computer
3. Ensure Windows Firewall is either disabled or SQL ports 1433 and 4022 are openon the CAS and Primary site.
4. To manage Windows XP SP3 non-English clients, locate and download the Windows Remote Management update from the following location: This update is needed to prevent the client from continually attempting remediation. Please see relnotes for more information.
5. From the Microsoft Connect site (, download the software update WSUS-KB131665-x64.exe and install the software update on all software update point site system rolesif you are usingSoftware Update Point based client deployment. Please see relnotes for more information.
6. For task sequence deployments the option for downloading content from the DP and running it locally will not work and will result in errors in the tsagent.log Workaround is to download content from the DP when requiredand run locally. Please see relnotes for more information
7. Configuration Manager Network Access Protection is not supported in this release
You many also reference How to videos posted on TechNet:
We look forward to your feedback! Please submit your feedback regularly using the Feedback Form (
Thank you,
Configuration Manager Customer Team”