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There are several potential causes (and therefore solutions for this):

Solution 1: Machine’s subnet not defined in ConfigMgr

Try running a different Task Sequence and see if you get the same error (although for a different Package ID). If you do then chances are the machine is on a subnet that is not defined as a boundary in ConfigMgr. Moving the machine to a subnet that was defined as a boundary in ConfigMgr resolved this issue.

If you look in the smsts.log you’ll see the following lines, the key one of which is the first one:

Found 0 DPs in subnet, 0 DPs in local site, 0 DPs in remote location and 0 Multicast DPs

!lsDPList.empty(), HRESULT=80040102 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2136)

FALSE, HRESULT=80040102 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,1635)

Content location request for <package_ID>:1 failed. (Code 0x80040102)

pTSPolicyManager->GetContentLocations( m_sPackageID, m_lSourceVersion, m_dwContentSourceFlags, slistContentLocations,
slistHttpContentLocations, slistMulticastContentLocations, m_dwContentPackageFlags ), HRESULT=80040102

(*iTSReference)->Resolve( pTSPolicyManager, dwResolveFlags ), HRESULT=80040102 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,2862)

m_pSelectedTaskSequence->Resolve( m_pPolicyManager, TS::Policy::TaskSequence::ResolvePolicy | TS::Policy::TaskSequence:
:ResolveSource, fpCallbackProc, pv, hCancelEvent), HRESULT=80040102 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\

Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040102)

hrReturn, HRESULT=80040102 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediaresolveprogresspage.cpp,408)

ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence failed. Code(0x80040102)

ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence returned code 0x80040102

Setting wizard error: This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for <package_ID> cannot be located on a
distribution point. For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.

In this case the client was on a subnet belonging to a Secondary Site where no boundaries had been defined. Defining the boundary for the Secondary Site and re-attempting the build resolved the issue.


Solution 2: Machine’s subnet not defined in ConfigMgr

You can also see this issue if the machine hosting the DP hasn’t been registered in DNS. The short name of the machine did resolve (as it was WINS resolving this), but the FQDN didn’t due to the non-DNS registration in which case the following lines were

Attempting to connect to "\\<fqdn_of_DP>\SMSPKGD$\SMSPKG\<package_ID>".
Retrying download...
Attempting to connect to "\\<fqdn_of_DP>\SMSPKGD$\SMSPKG\<package_ID >".
Retrying download...
dwErr, HRESULT=80070035 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,517)
Failed to connect to "\\<fqdn_of_DP>\SMSPKGD$\SMSPKG\<package_ID>" (53)
!slistSMBPaths.empty(), HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2163)
FALSE, HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,1635)
Content location request for <package_ID>:2 failed. (Code 0x80040103)
pTSPolicyManager->GetContentLocations( m_sPackageID, m_lSourceVersion, m_dwContentSourceFlags,
slistContentLocations, slistHttpContentLocations, slistMulticastContentLocations, m_dwContentPackageFlags ),
HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tspolicy.cpp,2330)
(*iTSReference)->Resolve( pTSPolicyManager, dwResolveFlags ), HRESULT=80040103
m_pSelectedTaskSequence->Resolve( m_pPolicyManager, TS::Policy::TaskSequence::ResolvePolicy | TS::Policy:
:TaskSequence::ResolveSource, fpCallbackProc, pv, hCancelEvent), HRESULT=80040103
Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040103)
hrReturn, HRESULT=80040103 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmbootstrap\tsmediaresolveprogresspage.cpp,408)
ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence failed. Code(0x80040103)
ThreadToResolveAndExecuteTaskSequence returned code 0x80040103
Setting wizard error: This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for <package_ID> are inaccessible on
the distribution point. Please make sure that the packages are available, and the distribution points are accessible,
and the appropriate network access account is configured if needed. For more information, please contact your system 
administrator or helpdesk operator.


Another clue with this issue is to look under Site System Status which showed the DP with a Status of Critical and Unknown under both the Total and Free columns.


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