No major updates from the Documentation Team this past month so far as ConfigMgr 2007 but they continue to add ConfigMgr 2012 content detailed below: “The Configuration Manager 2012 documentation library has been updated on the web and the latest content hasUpdated: September 1, 2011 at the top of the topic. There are no significant updates for the Configuration Manager 2007 documentation library this month. We will continue to add more information for Configuration Manager 2012 as we get that information from the product group and in response to customer feedback. At the moment, some topics are published without any content to let you know that it’s planned. We also monitor page hits and search results to help us plan when to publish the information. To help you find the right information, use the Configuration Manager 2012 search portal. Note that we are writing for the released product, rather than for any pre-release version, such as Beta 2. As such, there might be some discrepancies with the pre-release version that you are testing and the documentation. We value customer feedback and try to incorporate it when possible. Although we can’t promise to make the docs perfect for everybody, we are committed to continual improvement. So, keep that feedback coming, and feel free to contact us about anything related to the documentation by using our usual address of[email protected]. What’s New in the Configuration Manager 2012 Documentation Library for September 2011   The following information lists the topics that contain significant changes since the August 2011 update. Configuring the Application Catalog and Software Center in Configuration Manager – New topic with the steps and procedures required to install and configure the Application Catalog and Software Center. These elements support user-centric management, a central theme of Configuration Manager 2012. Prerequisites for Application Management in Configuration Manager – Updated for the Application Catalog dependencies. How to Install Clients on Mobile Devices and Enroll Them by Using Configuration Manager – Updated to clarify that mobile devices that are enrolled by Configuration Manager always connect to the Internet FQDN of the management point and distribution point in primary sites. Prerequisites for Client Deployment in Configuration Manager – Updated for Prerequisites for Mobile Device Clients. Step-by-Step Example Deployment of the PKI Certificates for Configuration Manager: Windows Server 2008 Certification Authority – Updated the section Deploying the Web Server Certificate for Site Systems that run IIS, to accommodate site system roles that allow connections from the Internet. Administrator Checklist: Deploying Clients in Configuration Manager – New topic that lists the steps to deploy clients on computers and mobile devices. About Client Installation Properties Published to Active Directory Domain Services in Configuration Manager – Information added about which client installation properties are published to Active Directory Domain Services.   — The Configuration Manager Writing Team” Original post:  

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