I received a “heads up” from Brad Anderson over the weekend about a series of 4 new webcasts coming up related to “Success with Enterprise Mobility”. From what we saw at the MVP Summit you are definitely going to want to check these out to learn more about Microsoft’s strategy which to me is a game changer.

After each webcast there will be a Live Q&A so get those questions ready.

As I mentioned, the first one is tomorrow (9th), at 10:30 AM PST:

How do I make e-mail and Office secure on mobile devices?

An Enterprise Mobility strategy involves identity, management, and productivity. In this session we’ll discuss the integration we’ve done across Intune, Azure Active Directory, and the Office mobile apps – and how we enable secure mobile productivity.

Attend this webcast to learn how combining Office 365 and Intune can make your business more productive, safer, and future proof.
Featuring: Brad Anderson (Corp. VP) and Kirk Koenigsbauer (Corp. VP, Office 365)
Moderated by: Stacy Crook, Research Director, IDC

For more details and to register goto:


Hope to see you there..!!

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