Congratulations 2011 Microsoft MVP!

Congratulations 2011 Microsoft MVP!

The start of the New Year is always an exciting time for me but the 1st of January is always a bit of a nail biting day for me as this is when I find out whether my MVP has … Continued
[ConfigMgr 2007] R3 Now Available for Download from MSDN

[ConfigMgr 2007] R3 Now Available for Download from MSDN

I’ve just been on MSDN and noticed that the R3 download went live yesterday (it’s 25 MB). So if you’re a MSDN subscriber you can now download and start evaluating it. QUICK REMINDER: MSDN/ TechNet downloads are only to be … Continued
Microsoft Releases the Configuration Manager Internet Search

Microsoft Releases the Configuration Manager Internet Search

I’m never failed to be impressed by the Documentation Team and the ways they are continually striving to make content more accessible in different ways and formats. And their latest trick? The ConfigMgr Internet Search tool that simultaneously not just … Continued