“CWmi::Connect() failed to connect to \\<server_name>.com\root\CIMv2. Error = 0x800706BA” in Distmgr.log when updating Shared DPs

I’ve migrated a Package from ConfigMgr 2007 to 2012.  I then enabled Distribution Point (DP), sharing for the DP containing the Package.

I then changed the source of the migrated Package in ConfigMgr 2012 and tried updating the shared DPs which failed. Looking in Distmgr.log I see the following errors:

CWmi::Connect(): ConnectServer(<Namespace>) failed. - 0x800706ba
CWmi::Connect() failed to connect to \\<server_name>.com\root\CIMv2. Error = 0x800706BA
CWmi::GetObject(): IWbemServices is NULL - 0x8004101d

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